Saturday, August 1, 2009

Wow. It's been a long time since I posted anything

Probably because nothing new or noteworthy ever happens in my world.
Here are a few shots from our Spring 2009/ and the Summer that wasn't 2009.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Just making sure everyone sees this.

It's official. Suz is my weirdest friend.

Here's a copy and paste of an IM that we had today.

Maureen says:
i think aggressive agressive is healthier than passive aggressive

Maureen says:
at least i won't take anyone by surprise when i snap

Maureen says:
my neighbours won't be on citypulse 24 saying "she was the nicest person....i can't believe this happened"

Suzie says:
once when Assnugget was really mad...Muffet was all yellie and bugging him and he kept walking toward him....I told him if he took one more step forward I'd bite his balls off with my teeth right through his pants. He stopped

Suzie says:
..that's what they always say

Suzie says:
she kept to herself mostly

Maureen says:
i know that's what they always say. and it's bullshit

Suzie says:
seemed like such a nice lady

Suzie says:
never heard a peep out of her

Suzie says:
well...except she used to throw snow balls at us sometimes

Maureen says:
bullshit. they heard the goats bleating for their lives as she sacrificed them in her living room, and just turned up the TV to drown out the sound

Suzie says:
and once she scared my little boy and he came home crying...

Suzie says:
oh and there was the time I saw her yelling blood murder at her husband

Suzie says:
LMAO @ goats bleating

Suzie says:
there's something seriously wrong with you...I think I could help you. I'm reasonable and sane

Blue eyed, blue haired baby

Carys has been sick on and off since Boxing Day. We took her to emergency last weekend when her fever was up to 103.6 during the day.
They diagnosed an ear infection, got her fever down, prescribed some antibiotics and told me to follow up with her family doctor in 10 days.
Earlier this week, she was so weak she couldn't sit up on the toilet and fell off. When I helped her back up and held her upright, she was crying "mommy, i'm so dizzy, i'm so tired". So I took her into her family doctor. He sent her in for chest xrays, and the results are in. She has pneumonia. Now she's on an inhaler, more antibiotics and a cough syrup to control asthma (although she doesn't have asthma, it's just to open her airways up).

She's been feeling so crappy that I bought her some little girl hair dye. I put blue streaks in her hair yesterday, and it perked her up. There's nothing like feeling pampered and pretty to lift your spirits.

Here are the pictures of her with blue hair.