Saturday, November 8, 2008

In the beginning

Well, taking the cue from my sister-in-law, Laura, I have decided to write a blog on here to keep everyone updated on the comings and goings of our family.

Here it is, November 9, 2008, and I have officially finished my Christmas shopping for Carys. I just have to let my Dad know that she wants a dollhouse and makes sure she gets that, and she's all set. Of course, with Christmas pending, we have had to purge the house of some of her toys. Some of them she parted with easily, chiming in that they were "baby toys" but with others it required a little more finesse. Let's just say that I'm going to have to sneak in like a thief in the night to get her to part with some of the stuff she has hidden away in her room. If anyone wants garbage bags full of McDonald's happy meal toys, let me know. She only seems like she has a zillion of them......not that I don't cook or anything. LOL.

She's a very funny little kid. My friend Cindy and I were out with Carys on the Thursday before Halloween, and as we drove by Canadian Tire, she said "Mommy, do you remember when I was born in the lighting aisle at Canadian Tire"? I burst out laughing. I love that kid, but I think my off centre approach to parenting is really warping her.

On Halloween night, she saw a dog dressed up like an angel, complete with a halo and wings. When she came running back down to the sidewalk, she said to me breathlessly, "Did you see that dog? He had wings. I think he's God". My girlfriends were oohing and awwing about how cute it was. She does say some truly adorable things.

Tonight I was on the phone with my Mom. Carys picked up the extension phone in the bedroom and realized I was talking to her Gram. She told Mom that Randy was at a hockey game, and that "he crawled into the TV to get there". I don't know about her sometimes. I had tears rolling down my face from laughing.

I'm nearing 120 workouts at the gym for this calendar year, and haven't been fatter since 2002. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I'm thinking that I may need to book some sessions with a personal trainer to get back on track for weight loss. People tell me I don't look bigger to them, but I know BS when I hear it.

Randy balked on the dog he had agreed to get. Qu'elle surprise! It wasn't the fact that he balked that bothered me, it was the cowardly, last minute way he balked. He called me from work, around the time we were supposed to go look at the dog and said he changed his mind. He knows that Buddy is not well, and that Carys will be without any dog at all soon, and yet he drags his feet on getting another one. The one we were going to look at a couple of weekends ago was a 9 month old Shih-Tzu. Thankfully I hadn't mentioned it to Carys or we really would have felt bad. I guess when Randy's ready for a dog is when we'll get a dog. He's really not a dog person though, and Mom has told us that when Buddy goes, she's not getting another dog. Buddy's a humungous pain in the butt.

1 comment:

At home with the Carls said...

Thanks it will be nice for me to catch up on my little redneck sweetie pie.
Aunty Laura